Information and communications technology law

Information and communications are at the heart of our daily lives (that is, our private, professional, community, and journalistic lives, etc.). With the explosion of new technologies (computer science, AV and multimedia technology, the Internet), it has become essential both to set up data collection processes that comply with current standards and to ensure that the collected data is properly secured.

Thanks to their extensive expertise, our attorneys will support you and give you peace of mind in everything related to information and communications technology law, from drafting privacy policies for your website, terms and conditions for online sales, terms and conditions for newsletters and mailing lists, and data collection and storage policies, to protecting your domain name, preparing IT service contracts, etc.

At TERRILLON AVOCATS, we will put our experience at your service to defend you in the event of a breach of privacy, defamation, cyberstalking, or data theft.

We are also particularly sensitive to and educated in the legal questions raised by the presence of artificial intelligence in more and more systems and devices (including voice assistants, autonomous vehicles, intelligent prostheses, applications, decision-making support, partially automated recruitment, etc.).

Our team will help you through questions you might have on this subject, including civil liability, insurance, risk management, and intellectual property protection in matters related to AI. 

At TERRILLON AVOCATS, we assist our Clients in English, French, and Polish.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”.
Steve Jobs

What do we do?

  • GDPR (audit, compliance, drafting cookies, privacy, and personal data policies, on-request in-company training, filing complaints with the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty)
  • Drafting terms and conditions of sale (online sales) and terms and conditions for newsletters and mailing lists
  • Domain name protection
  • Network use policy
  • IT service agreements and provider liability
  • Protection against and/or defence in the event of breach of privacy, defamation, slander, or cyberstalking
  • Artificial intelligence 

Contact us


77 Avenue des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris, France
