Alternative dispute resolution methods

While it’s true that attorneys are defenders whose job is to argue before the court, the fact remains that they are also negotiators.

At TERRILLON AVOCATS, we make it a point of honour to offer our Clients the most suitable and effective solutions possible when they find themselves in a dispute.

In agreement with our Clients, our attorneys can offer alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation, conciliation, negotiation, and arbitration.

Each of these methods is different, so we help Clients choose the method best suited to their particular needs and capacities. These alternatives may help avoid lengthy litigation procedures and promote dialogue between the parties in order to arrive at an effective solution. 

Nevertheless, our attorneys are experienced litigators and will, in all circumstances, defend your interests with passion and skill. 

At TERRILLON AVOCATS, we assist our Clients in English, French, and Polish.

“Words are the source of misunderstandings”.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What do we do?

  • Mediation, conciliation, negotiation, arbitration
  • Drafting arbitration agreements
  • Defending Clients’ interests before arbitrators (commercial arbitration, corporate arbitration, etc.) 
  • Enforcement of arbitration awards (exequatur) 
  • Drafting mediation clauses
  • Drafting transaction protocols

Contact us


77 Avenue des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris, France
